“I’ve played for other club teams, but my Fusion coach really cares about us.”

-Fusion player 24’

About the Program

The WESTERN SLOPE FUSION is a Club basketball program for players on the Western Slope of Colorado. We are a 501(c)3 subsidiary under the Amateur Athletic Union, meaning all donations are 100% tax deductible.

The goals of the Western Slope Fusion are simple: to fuse players together from the Western Slope to provide fun, hard work and training into the student athlete. We practice 2 times a week to help players develop skills and a knowledge of the game. Instead of being told “what to do”, part of our mission is for athletes to understand “why they do something.”

WESTERN SLOPE FUSION is an active member of the Amateur Athletic Union. All participants in the program must register with the AAU.

AAU Member# W3DWYA